Anna Kostritskaya

Anna Kostritskaya's work conveys a particular state, mood, and emotion that is expressed with the help of scale and facture
Anna Kostritskaya was born in 1990 in Kyiv in a family of artists. Her first works were acrylic print engravings, in which the process of studying colour, and the interaction of colour and form took place. For the artist, it was the development of associative thinking as the basis of art. The main point of this study was to find a way of expressing emotion and a particular state through colour and form. Her art is simple and complicated at the same time. On the one hand, her works are distinguished by clarity and painterly logic, with obvious colour correlations, proportion, and colour harmony balance. But thanks to its clarity, the canvas always conveys a particular state, mood, and emotion that is expressed with the help of scale and facture. Anna currently lives and works in London, and her current work is abstract and focuses on embodiment and exploration of emotions.